Hit and Miss
I publish a small weekly newsletter titled Hit and Miss. In it, I write about whatever I’ve been reading each week, usually with some tilt toward the interaction of technology and society. Check out the archive below—if it interests you, please consider subscribing.
#389: Shovelling the snowbanks
#388: Hair of the dog
#387: “Brace for impact”
#386: Paying attention
#385: Government innovation with TREES
#384: Mercurial January
#383: “Finish”
#382: Some books from 2024
#381: No tinsel for you!
#380: “Song for a Winter’s Night”
#379: Doing hard things, together
#378: Deferred maintenance
#377: Hard week, good weekend—snow’s coming
#376: November media diet
#375: Disappointed, but not surprised
#374: Highs bring lows (but more highs incoming!)
#373: Friendship’s sunshine
#372: Categorized (try) todo lists
#371: Humanity and turkey
#370: Walking LeBreton
#369: Walking, even after a while
#368: A place to think
#367: Maintenance, houses, and stuff
#366: Gloom and the antidote to worry
#365: Nearly fall vacation reading
#364: SQL, community, and cool stuff
#363: Links on anarchism, social media, and other joys
#362: Usable (legible!) for computers
#361: Fuzzy conversation feelings
#360: Cutting back to grow more
#359: Time outside, time well spent
#358: An hour writing this newsletter
#357: Eat your vegetables!
#356: Human-sized places
#355: Mostly complete
#354: Sharing in abundance
#353: Outdoor meals and Home Depot hauls
#352: Facing west
#351: Running back from Italy
#350: Eat, sleep, rest, repeat
#349: Digital reading lessgoooo
#348: “Frozen in an uncomfortable slouch”
#347: Grab bag
#346: Clean the tabs, share the links
#345: Books abound
#344: Endless Saturdays
#343: First quarter updates
#342: The usual moves
#341: Continuing themes
#340: Blackbirds are back
#339: Sure, winter, see ya later
#338: How it goes these days
#337: Love and friendship (and data and government)
#332: Wintry neighbours
#331: Benchin’, cattin’, linkin’
#330: So, we made it
#329: Another year’s books
#328: omg me too
#327: Hoorah for “blank time”
#326: Bring on the winter of (inter)dependence
#325: Independent living depends on a healthy land
#324: Responding to change (links on)
#323: Change for thee, but not for me?
#316: Home from Japan
#285: Links on data, exploitation, and hunkering down
#284: Holding on
#283: Existing in melancholy
#282: Snowy brain
#281: Links on recordkeeping and more
#280: Living by the clock, by the light
#279: More rest
#278: 2022 to 2023
#277: 2022 reads
#276: Passing the baton
#275: Assurance
#274: See also
#273: Transcripting
#272: Extremely online
#271: Promises to self
#270: Constitutional unconstitutionalism
#269: Crises abound
#268: Convo dump
#267: Serious links™ on work
#266: Public delivery
#265: Calls continue
#264: Work, birds, tech, munipoli
#263: Technicalities
#262: Five years!? A thank you
#261: Holding pattern
#260: Learning in crisis
#259: Just the links
#258: A shout to the wind
#257: Hot brain links
#256: Malleable words
#255: Welcome to the party, pal
#254: Slow links
#253: Systems
#252: Broken social scene—wait, I mean, contract
#251: Internalized stress
#250: Decommissioned
#249: Half caff
#248: Financialized nesting dolls
#247: Busy rest
#246: Climate unpredictability
#245: L’aride follie del viver mio
#244: Sunny springtime links
#243: Anniversary treat
#242: Forces for good
#241: Abundant, virtuous futures
#240: April again
#239: Spring (tab) cleaning
#238: Links on ambition, resilient building, and more
#237: Doing our parts
#236: Seeking beautiful moments
#235: Chase the sun (redux)
#234: War in real-time, in all its ugliness
#233: Goodbye (?) to the occupiers
#232: Savouring silence
#231: Acoustic assaults
#230: Occupied
#229: Playing for team public
#228: Where have the snow days gone
#227: Melancholy and drama, but peace
#226: Digging roots
#225: A few books feed us well
#224: Staring down the barrel, at least the memes are good
#223: Fragments
#222: What we lose
#221: Outrunning the food coma
#220: Stories within stories
#219: Silent commemoration
#218: One week down
#217: Surviving November
#216: Registering intent
#215: Leaves pass to soil
#214: A brief rom-com review
#213: Truer histories
#212: Star Trek days
#211: Paths (not) taken
#210: Little reading
#209: September, you’re finally here
#208: Reading and movies
#207: August free fall
#206: Democratic event(s)
#205: Let’s get nerdy
#204: Cool sunsets
#203: Parables
#202: Boredom, boiling frogs, and miscellany
#201: Summer dreaming
#200: “You give me life”
#199: Loading
#198: Cooking, staying hungry
#197: Responding to violence
#196: Doors Open (online)
#195: 215 children
#194: What’s on the mind
#193: Lilacs
#192: The world is cool
#191: Anniversaries
#190: To what grounds us
#189: Furious, heartbroken—but not surprised
#188: Daydream believer
#187: Sunshine escape
#186: Rainy day people
#185: Spring—change, or not
#184: On we go
#183: Reporting thoughtfully
#182: Keeping it light
#181: Close to home
#180: Another day older, closer to the grave
#179: Chase the sun
#178: Coding by any other name
#177: Gettin’ sauced
#176: Working (again)
#175: This week in anti-democracy…
#174: Zoom zoom
#173: Revisiting
#172: Five books for the year
#171: Ugh, algorithms
#170: PolySeSouvient
#169: Waiting
#168: Adventuring
#167: For the love of knowledge
#166: Trivial links
#165: Blowing hot air
#164: Argh
#163: On Mi’kmaw waters
#162: A sense of perspective
#161: Leafing through
#160: Books at hand
#159: COVID crime
#158: Rainy morning adventures
#157: Maintenance, care, attention
#156: Week in review
#155: TV time and world-building
#154: Remembering (how) to relax
#153: Roads
#152: Rain day thoughts
#151: Some links
#150: Virtual community
#149: Snapshots of the week
#148: Halfway through 2020
#147: One link to listen
#146: Heat, work, history
#145: Who’s watching?
#144: What to say
#143: A difficult week
#142: To your taste
#141: New shelves
#140: In memoriam
#139: Beautiful words
#138: Wordy cookbooks
#137: Day off reading
#136: Parliament carries on
#135: Personal websites
#134: Do nothing struggles
#133: Sims
#132: Now so fast, history so slow
#131: Finding focus
#130: 2x3 links (misc, archives) and a phrase
#129: Spring, feelings, readings
#128: Family time
#127: Collected links
#126: Mining my messages
#125: Facilitating access
#124: Snow slow
#123: Retreat to the wholesome
#122: Archives and walking and links
#121: Engage!
#120: This year’s books
#119: Top shelf (think books, not booze)
#118: Thirty years later
#117: Principles of parliamentary practice
#116: Web links
#115: P-p-p-policy!! (Or, what Lucas does at work)
#114: A parliamentary (precinct) tour
#113: Stories beyond the data
#112: Public service
#111: Functions of a living situation
#110: The sites I visit
#109: The slump
#108: Models for decision and action
#107: A drop-in space
#106: Bookmark finds
#105: Travelling in place
#104: Through the eyes of another
#103: Structure
#102: A geography of intentional sound
#101: Happy days
#100: Living principles
#99: Levels of critical digital work
#98: Questions for learning
#97: Digital government and civic tech
#96: Opera
#95: Let’s take a walk
#94: Words and links
#93: Accessible public spaces
#92: A working carrying capacity
#91: Doors Open
#90: Walking toward a social summer
#89: Three blobs of words
#88: Grounding history
#87: A day off
#86: Look up
#85: Valuing openness
#84: Thinking frames
#83: Boomer empowerment
#82: Making time for music, for silence
#81: A family day
#80: Communicating depth
#79: The signs
#78: I, you, we (maybe?)
#77: Words I avoid
#76: The 80s and links
#75: Standing in place
#74: When you want to get out and read
#73: The wholesome social network
#72: Libraries, physical and digital, visible and invisible
#71: Rockeuses, and leaders as facilitators
#70: What we remember, and why
#69: Returning home and time’s triptych
#68: Reading (and writing) heals
#67: Speeches from the throne, thinking tools
#66: Scattered
#65: Working and rest
#64: No choice
#63: Competing priorities at Laurel Creek Conservation Area
#62: Blogroll
#61: Thinky thinky
#60: Thinking geographically
#59: Three pairs of links
#58: Digital history and digital humanities
#57: Thanksgiving break
#56: Dropping in
#55: Communities of care
#54: Repeated experiences
#53: Writing in books, a personal history
#52: A year in (review)
#51: Learning and escaping through simulation
#50: We shape the land
#49: Learning languages, loving words
#48: Cool recipes for a hot day
#47: Turn to the local
#46: Heat
#45: Humbly human
#44: Working (remotely)
#43: Centennial
#42: Creative constraints
#41: Historically minded
#40: A quantified, incentivized life
#39: Here I go again!
#38: Pacifism
#37: Working (together)
#36: Science fair!!
#35: Working
#34: Portable pasta party kit
#33: Keep going
#32: Season 2, episode 22
#31: Regularly local
#30: M*A*S*H
#29: On the environment
#28: Robots!
#27: Editing
#26: Presenting work
#25: The importance of internet access
#24: Ode to the road
#23: Some links
#22: Life is long
#21: Complex, connected problems
#20: Profiles and interviews
#19: Thinking about time
#18: “Feed”
#17: Constant questions
#16: Three welcome books
#15: Small victories
#14: Our faves are problematic
#13: The Seven Year Itch
#12: Bye Bye Birdie
#11: What’s a personal bio good for?
#10: Research reading
#9: Modern monopolies
#8: Civic tech
#7: A revealing week
#6: Veritable listening
#5: Newsletter recommendations
#4: Loving libraries
#3: Conversational contributions
#2: Questioning labels
#1: Earthworming