Deferred maintenance

Hit and Miss #378

Whew! My brain and body are tired. The kind of tiredness that’s a sign of both a good weekend, and a hopefully excellent night’s sleep to come.

That to say, I don’t have the energy brain capacity to do the elegant jump between how we budget our money (the envelope approach [with virtual envelopes, of course, software is great], plus YNAB’s Four Rules, notably “rule two” that has you set aside a little money each month to build up to big eventual expenses) and deferred maintenance (where you put off fixing something due to lack of resources [generally money], or underinvest in needed maintenance). Instead, point form:

  • I’d added up how much I should have saved by now in my “technology replacement” category (which covers things like phone, laptop, watch, etc) for upcoming expenses and realized I was about 23% short, or eight months underinvested.
  • And, seeing that shortfall, I totally get the psychological forces of deferred maintenance. “We’ll find the money when we need it, we have other uses for it today!” is a powerful thought.
  • Did I fix the shortfall? Uhhh totally.

ANYWAY, that to say, I get why deferred maintenance happens. (Maybe we should all learn a lesson from Chris Schwarz’s approach to tool maintenance, steps 1 and 7: own fewer things you need to maintain.)

A few links for you:

I feel like this issue should’ve been more thinky-thinky with a weighty title like “Deferred maintenance”. But, y’know, linky-linky is also good. All the best for the week ahead!
