Links on anarchism, social media, and other joys

Hit and Miss #363


Outside, when not actively battered by the rain, is feeling lush. The plants sturdy with water, the tomatoes turning red at a steady pace, and the birds chirping through it all. You can feel and smell the humidity in earth and air alike, the on-again-off-again downpours waking up all the goodness in the soil. Much as I may think I’ll melt at the slightest touch of rain, it’s good to be out there, reminded of my insignificant little self in the face of big ol’ nature.

Of course I’m currently not out there, but in here, tapping away at a keyboard I’d rather keep dry and entertaining myself with a few data rabbit holes (versus rabbit rabbit holes).

Yesterday I finished a quick cutting board, as I slowly use scrap wood to replace our chewed up plastic boards. (The algorithms have delivered a steady stream of “zomg plastic boards noooo” which has no doubt hastened these efforts.) It was an opportune time to read a study published in 2023 on the effects of common cutting board finishes on bacterial survival (mineral oil and linseed oil being the two tested here, compared to an unfinished board): turns out, finishes likely interfere with wood’s natural ability to suck in bacteria and neutralize them. This of course is why I’ve opted not to finish this latest board, not from any laziness on my part.

On to the links?

All the best for the week ahead!
