Mostly complete

Hit and Miss #355

Happy Sunday!

First, I’d like to correct an ambiguity in the opening of last week’s newsletter: where I said “T and I (mostly)” and “SR and I (mostly)” built this or that, what I meant is that we mostly completed the projects—the labour was very much shared, as was the fun. Mostly completing projects is a theme of late: I’m getting more comfortable with the pile of partly finished projects, of “assigning unanswered letters their proper weight” (to quote Frank Chimero quoting Joan Didion).

Second, it’s somehow already mid-afternoon (one might say that this weekend is mostly complete), and we’ve a fair bit more to do today. I’m delighted that it’s been a weekend of family and friendship—but oh, how the time flies! So, on to the links:

All the best for the week ahead!
