People are your future.

Jen Dary (founder of Plucky) reflects on her first year running her own consulting business. I appreciate Dary’s honest reflections (very much in the “share what you know” spirit of the web).

I boiled down the point of my existence on this planet into six words: I help people find their way. It wasn’t a business plan, but it was a purpose. And somehow I trusted that the details around monetizing one’s purpose were logistical and completely solvable and that I was smart and driven enough to do it.

Draw from experience:

And though I wasn’t sure how to classify Plucky, I started with “HR Consulting for Tech Firms.” It didn’t line up with my degrees, but it totally lined up with my experience and that’s what I was hungry to leverage.

When not signing clients, it doesn’t mean business that slow, just that you’re at a different point in the business season:

“Oh Jen, you’re not signing clients right now,” he said. “You’re planting seeds. Whenever things get slow, you gotta go out there and plant seeds.”

10:27 am on December 27, 2018