Evening edition

Today, few markers mark time. We make our own markers, using light as a guide on some days, milestones and deadlines on more frenetic ones. But it’s the rare person who, at 6PM, can walk, head high, out of the studio or office, turning day into night and one thing into another.

Liz Danzico’s site shifts its appearance after 6 pm each day, to remind us that nothing is timeless, that we ought to be careful how we spend it, and that a first step to doing so is to intentionally mark it.

Starting today, this site (when viewed in a browser) will undertake a bit of an experiment. At 6PM (your time) each day, it will change from day to night. A visual shift. A pause. A marker of time — whether it’s time to walk away, take a break, keep on working, or play.

8:23 pm on December 20, 2018